My views are near to those of Spinoza: admiration for the beauty of and belief in the logical simplicity of the order and harmony which we can grasp humbly and only imperfectly. I believe that we have to content ourselves with our imperfect knowledge and understanding and treat values and moral obligations as a purely human problem — the most important of all human problems. (Carta a Murray W. Gross, Apr. 26, 1947.)No mucho ni tan poco: el más importante de los problemas. "La cuestión está en arriesgarse a dar respuestas a nuestra condición humana", como escribía mi maestro LXLF, en torno a Saramago. Tampoco estarían de más aquellas palabras sobre los acontecimientos de Europa escritas en 1915, el Annus Mirabilis de Einstein, annus terribilis del orbe:
Why so many words when I can say it in one sentence, and in a sentence very appropriate for a Jew: Honor your Master Jesus Christ not only in words and songs, but rather foremost by your deeds. ("My Opinion on the War", 1915.)Así, pues: Buon Natale! Y ojalás las fiestas navideñas y las saturnales y el solsticio invernal nos traigan un mayor compromiso con la concordia dialógica en 2011. Al menos. En buena lid.
(Foto: Professor Einstein Writing at a Table, 1930 copyright Bettmann/Corbis)
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